Beginning Initiative
Hi, I'm Nick. I'm married, have 2 small kids, a full time job and an unquenchable thirst for tabletop role playing games.
Dungeons and Dragons is a relatively new hobby for me, although it is one I have spent arguably the most time on. The journey started just over a year ago now and although this by no means qualifies me as a professional, I'd like to think I've gained some critical insight which may be interesting to share. I want to approach this in a series, that isn't necessarily exclusive to only Dungeon Masters or Players, but to anyone who also enjoys this wonderful activity.
I want to tackle some of the more obvious issues I regular face as both a player and a DM but, I don't want to rehash issues that other podcasts, videos or blogs have covered to death. I would also like to touch on some fun topics like arc's (both character and campaign), ideas and inspiration.
Ultimately though, this is all about my love for such a great system and concept which can be moulded into a unforgettable source of joy, excitement, friendship and creativity and my desire to share and enrich everyone's experience with it.
I'm going to aim for weekly posts, if not more frequently to begin with. I look forward to providing unique content and ideas for anyone interested in playing a tabletop RPG.
Always aim to roll above average.
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